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Simona Millham
Nugget trainer since 2015
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Microsoft Teams for Office 365 FAQs: Cost, Training, Value

What will you learn in this Microsoft Teams for Office 365 training?

This short training helps you make sense of the very powerful and very useful, but also very confusing, software package from Microsoft called Teams. This course prepares you for actually using the Office 365 version of Teams, ensuring that you know how to coordinate all your productivity tools through Teams.

Who should take this Teams for Office 365 course?

If you use Teams, you should take this course. Microsoft Teams is a great piece of software that's capable of pretty incredible things. But most people are just thrown into the deep end with no real preparation. This Microsoft Teams for Office 365 course is your swimming lesson for Teams.

Is this training in Teams for Office 365 associated with any certifications?

No, this Teams for Office 365 course explains Teams and makes sure you can actually use it. If it were certification preparation, there would probably need to be a lot more memorization. Plus, Microsoft doesn't offer certifications specifically for Teams, even entry-level certs call for familiarity with many more technologies.

What certification should you consider after taking this course in Microsoft Teams for Office 365?

If you're a business user, consider working toward the Microsoft 365 Certified: Fundamentals, a certification that proves your familiarity with all the tools in Office 365. Administrators might consider certifications like the Microsoft 365 Certified: Teams Support Engineer Specialty, which covers the implementation and management of collaboration software platforms.

Why should you take this Microsoft Teams for Office 365 training?

You should take this short course on Microsoft Teams so that coordinating, communicating and planning with your colleagues isn't a hassle or a frustration. When responding to emails and setting up meetings is as simple as breathing, you can spend your valuable time doing your job, not struggling with Teams.
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