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James Conrad
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Microsoft 365 Certified: Modern Desktop Administrator Associate (MD-100 & MD-101) FAQs: Cost, Training, Value

How much does the Microsoft 365 certification cost?

The Microsoft 365 Certified: Modern Desktop Administrator Associate certification costs a total of $330. The Microsoft 365 Certified: MDAA has two exams, the MD-101 and the MD-100; both the MD-101 and the MD-100 cost $165. You don’t have to take the exams at the same time, in fact since the certification expires one year after completing the second exam, you should take your time with both.

Does Microsoft 365 certified modern desktop administrator associate expire?

Yes, the Microsoft 365 Certified certifications all expire one year after you do everything that goes toward earning it. Since the Microsoft 365 Certified: Modern Desktop Administrator Associate has two exams you need to pass in order to earn it, that means you can take your time finishing the second one. Because the Microsoft 365 only expires one year after you finish the second exam, you don’t have to rush.

Is the Microsoft 365 certified modern desktop administrator associate difficult?

Yes, the Modern Desktop Administrator Associate (or MDAA) is hard. The Microsoft 365 Certified: MDAA is a hard certification to earn because it has two certification exams, the MD-100 and the MD-101. Both relate to administering and managing desktop computers, but the level of detail and specific answers you’re expected to know is what makes the MDAA so difficult.

Is Microsoft 365 certification worth it?

Yes, the Microsoft 365 certifications are worth it. In particular, certifications like the Microsoft 365 Certified: Modern Desktop Administrator Associate (or MDAA) are very worth it for new administrators trying to land their first job. The Microsoft 365 MDAA certification is worth it because its two exams cover a lot of breadth and depth in managing and administering desktops running Windows 10.

How long is the MD-101 exam?

The MD-101 is a 120-minute exam with 40-60 questions. The MD-101 is only one of two exams you’ll need to pass in order to earn the Microsoft 365 Certified: Modern Desktop Administrator Associate. Its other exam, the MD-100, is also 120 minutes. You take the two exams separately, but both MD-101 and MD-100 are 2 hours long.
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